Moog cat
My cat, Moss, loves to play in the studio. I'm hoping to teach him to program my Mini Moog. He doesn't seem to realize it is monophonic and his attempt at voicing a dense chord won't work.
Fictional Radio is now available on iTunes and other online sites
I'm very excited to announce that my new album of cinematic electronic music, Fictional Radio, has just been released to iTunes, Google Play, Amazon, Spotify, YouTube and many other online services. I conceived Fictional Radio as an exploration of organic texture and...
Criticism of Tidal by music artists is premature
Jay-Z's purchase of Tidal's music streaming service was announced with much hoopla last month as a number of big name music artists threw in their support claiming that Tidal would pay better streaming rates than other services such as Spotify. Now a number of artists...
Blurred Lines verdict is bad for music and should be thrown out
I'm no fan of "Blurred Lines", which I consider one of the most irritating songs in recent memory, but if artists risk copyright infringement for being inspired and influenced by other works than we have a real problem. This article from the New Yorker explains the...
FCC approves net neutrality
This is fantastic news. I'm very pleased to see the FCC rule to keep the internet free and open.
Fictional Radio mastering complete
"Fictional Radio" has been mastered by Stephen Marsh of Marsh Mastering. It sounds great.
Fictional Radio Update
My first solo album, Fictional Radio, is nearing completion. Mastering is set for February 9. Stay tuned for more details.
Brand new website
Welcome to the new website of Fletcher Beasley. I hope you enjoy it.